Sep 18, 2011

Another blessing...

I just want to share the blessing that I received.

Last April 14, 2011 in Holy Trinity College of GenSan, I applied for the AFS-JENESYS (Japan East-Asia Network of Exhanges for Students and YouthS) screening, and I passed all the stages during the screening.

We waited for almost 5 months for the results to come up. And last Thursday, Sep. 15, they posted the list of finalists and alternates for the last batch of JENESYS VS Program, and I, not expecting to be on the list, came up.

I was selected as an alternate, it means that if a certain finalist cant comply to the requirements needed, then, the alternate who complied everything will be the one to replace the finalist.

I was so shocked by then, the result was unexpected. I thanked God for the very rare opportunity given to me. Imagine... There were hundreds of participants who joined the screening in each region or chapter, and out of that thousands, I was included in the list?

THANK GOD! I was so happy and I told myself that I will not waste this opportunity. I will not be discouraged to pursue the requirements even though I am just an alternate.
I will do my very best to comply everything before the deadline.

To those who prayed for me, to be selected, I thank thee very much.
And to my parents who are very supportive from the screening till now, Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!

I will give my best shot for this one.

Pls. pray for me and my friend, Christian Gino that we can overcome the obstacles and submit the requirements as soon as possible.

Konnichiwa Japan!

For the complete list of passers, pls visit this link.

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